Thank You

With all my heart I thank my supporters, without whom singdancing would not live.

Angels ~ substantial gifts that keep on giving!
Aletha Nowitzky, Tom Nowitzky, Jacques Burtin, Bill Rauch, Mark Nowitzky, Capitola K. Nowitzky, Christine J. Nowitzky, Sangye Ince-Johannsen, Dr. Miven Donato, Al Robins, Chase Morgan, Melissa Orr, David Orr, Cecile Shohet, Bil Leonhart, Scott Schwarz, Corne Erasmus, Liz Finnegan.

Donors ~ greatly appreciated donations and support!
Anonymous, James Adams, Brian Be, Christian Swenson, Byron Bradley Byrd Carrier, David Fielden, Edward Givens, Robert Hirschboeck, Heather Hutton, Camp Kaye, Ari Langer, Matthew Michel, Anna Scheving, Ramin Shokrizade, Ramana Waymire, Midge Raymond and John Yunker

Producers ~ friends who have helped manifest singdancing with hands-on, collaborative assistance

A Big Thank You to Suzanne Seiber & SOU, Bill Rauch & OSF, and Mike Robbins & CalArts for providing space for the development of singdancing.

Singdancing is grateful for these supportive grants: Oregon Arts Commission (2021), Alden B. Dow Creativity Fellowship (2005), Foundation Grant (2013), Moonifest Grant (2013)

Immense gratitude to my fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas, a non-profit organization through which tax-deductible donations may be made to Vanessa Nowitzky for the activities of A Singdancing Company. Donate here.

Melissa Orr, Shae Céline, Presila Quinby, Nancy Martin, Christine Williams, Heather Hutton, Aletha Nowitzky, Shelly Cox, Anna Scheving (Christensen).

Thank you to all my dance and movement teachers! Especially these brave souls, for their enduring patience with me, in order of their appearance in my life:

Robin Bryant, Suzanne Seiber, Mark Borchelt, Nando Raynolds, Suzee Grilley, Liz Finnegan, Peggy Paver

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